Create Your Own Custom Ad
Create your ad from select templates, exactly as it will appear on the calendar!
How It Works:
- Go to
- Select “Create Your Own Ad” under All Categories
- Select ad size purchased (Half/Single/Double)
- Chose an ad template
- Upload artwork (if applicable)
- Choose Select in the Upload Image box
- Select the Upload button and select desired file
- Click the Refresh Preview button
- Select Edit to make minor adjustments as necessary
- Enter ad copy in text box and format
- Click the Refresh Preview button
- Click Next
- If you receive an “Image is too low” warning, you must choose a higher
resolution file for your logo/artwork. Low resolution files will not print clearly!
- If you receive an “Image is too low” warning, you must choose a higher
- Enter name of business and click Next
- Select the group you purchased the ad from in the dropdown under Charitable Group
- Check the box to approve and Add to Cart
- Complete Checkout (we need billing information but no charges will be incurred)