Create Your Own Custom Ad

Create your ad from select templates, exactly as it will appear on the calendar!

How It Works:

  • Go to
  • Select “Create Your Own Ad” under All Categories
  • Select ad size purchased (Half/Single/Double)
  • Chose an ad template
  • Upload artwork (if applicable)
    1. Choose Select in the Upload Image box
    2. Select the Upload button and select desired file
    3. Click the Refresh Preview button
    4. Select Edit to make minor adjustments as necessary
  • Enter ad copy in text box and format
  • Click the Refresh Preview button
  • Click Next
    1. If you receive an “Image is too low” warning, you must choose a higher
      resolution file for your logo/artwork. Low resolution files will not print clearly!
  • Enter name of business and click Next
  • Select the group you purchased the ad from in the dropdown under Charitable Group
  • Check the box to approve and Add to Cart
  • Complete Checkout (we need billing information but no charges will be incurred)