Q: What is Upfront cost?

A: Nothing – There is no upfront cost.

Q: Do we have to pack and mail thousands of calendars?

A: No, not if you don’t want to. Distribution ultimately comes down to cost vs. convenience. Review your distribution options here.

Q: We already send a donation letter - why should we do this?

A: Sending a free fire prevention calendar with your donation request is a time-tested method to increase the donations you receive. In other words, people love receiving free things and will be more willing to donate to your department.

Q: How much do ads sell for?

A: Your organization determines the prices, but our fundraising consultants can recommend prices based on market value and what has worked for others.

Q: Does GBC Fundraising take a percentage of my profit?

A: We do not take any portions of your profit, nor do we handle any of your money, ever. You simply send payment for your products once you have sent approval for your calendar to be printed.

Q: Can I start my calendar any month of the year?

A: Yes, choose any month of the year for your calendar start month!